New Parents

Thank you for your interest in Seattle Amistad School!
We always enjoy meeting new families and sharing our vision for bilingual, bicultural education.

For more information about our PreK-8th grade academic program, please visit our Curriculum page.

If you are interested in enrolling a child for Toddlers, PreK or K-8th grade, please visit our Tours & Applications page.

Interested in learning more about the Two Way Immersion model that is used at Amistad? You can find lots of resources on our Dual Immersion page!

To learn more about the philosophy that informs our work everyday with children, please read about our Mission, Values, and Vision.

Amistad is committed to supporting families who share our vision and goals for children’s education, regardless of their financial situation. Please visit our Tuition and Financial Aid page for more information.

Check out our Special Programs tab for much more information about the variety of opportunities that make Amistad unique, such as our Artist in Residence program, Capoeira, and the Guest Reader program.

If you would like to talk directly to Amistad staff, or if you would like to arrange a visit to tour our school, please visit the Contact Us page.