Frequently Asked Questions 

Revised 7/20/2020

School-wide health and safety:

Health and safety measures that have been implemented are:

  • Daily screening for all students and staff
  • Physical Distancing
  • Increased disinfecting of high touch surfaces
  • PPE for adults and children
  • Increased handwashing
  • Increased communication with families about protocols and expectations and follow up when children are absent from school
  • Modified classes and schedules

How are staff and students screened each day?

All staff and students entering the building each day will be screened with the following questions:

  • Does the staff member/child have any of the following symptoms?
    • Fever, above 100.4
    • Chills
    • Cough 
    • Sore throat 
    • Rapid breathing, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity) 
    • Flushed cheeks Gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting) 
    • Fatigue (Fatigue alone should not exclude a child from participation) 
    • Headache 
    • New loss of smell/taste 
    • New muscle aches 
    • Any other sign of illness 
  • Has the staff member/child had any medication to reduce a fever before coming to care?
  • Has the staff member/child had contact with someone in the previous 14 days with a confirmed or presumptive diagnosis of COVID?

What happens if a child becomes ill at school?

If a child becomes ill at school, the following steps will be taken:

  • Separate the child from the group, and if possible, move to an unoccupied room.
  • Remove other children from the room where the sick child was, so that it can be cleaned.
  • Notify parents to pick up their child as soon as possible.
  • The person with symptoms should follow DOH guidelines for how to proceed if COVID symptoms are present and there has been no contact with a confirmed COVID case. 
  • The student’s parent or caregiver is expected to inform the school right away if the student  is diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID, the local health jurisdiction will advise, but it is likely that many of the student’s classmates will be considered close contacts and need to be quarantined for 14 days. Refer to DOH guidelines about potential exposure. 
  • Amistad will remain in close contact with local health officials and will follow their recommendations for a student’s safe return to school and any protocols for facility closure.
  • Classrooms and/or facilities may be closed for 2-5 days, depending on the guidelines of local health officials. The decision as to whether individual classrooms or the entire facility are closed depends on the level of exposure to others that the ill child had. The closure will allow for deep cleaning and test results to be confirmed. 

What happens if a staff member becomes ill at school?

If a staff member becomes ill at school, the following steps will be taken:

  • Remove staff member from the group, providing adequate coverage for children’s supervision
  • Remove others from the room where the sick staff member was, so that it can be cleaned.
  • Local health officials will be notified and their recommendations for exclusion and facility closure will be followed.
  • If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID, the local health jurisdiction will advise, but it is likely that many of the student’s classmates will be considered close contacts and need to be quarantined for 14 days. Refer to DOH guidelines about potential exposure.
  • Classrooms and/or facilities may be closed for 2-5 days, depending on the guidelines of local health officials. The decision as to whether individual classrooms or the entire facility are closed depends on the level of exposure to others that the ill staff member had. The closure will allow for deep cleaning and test results to be confirmed.

What if a child becomes ill at home?

  • Keep all children home if they display any signs of illness.
  • Call the Amistad office to describe the child’s symptoms.
  • Remain in communication with Amistad in case it becomes necessary to notify the classroom or school community. Student or family names will not be used in any communications to other community members.
  • If a child has a positive COVID test, follow recommended COVID quarantine protocols and return to school as outlined below.

How long should students/staff stay home before they return to school?

Students/staff should stay home until:

  • at least 10 days have passed since their symptoms first appeared
  • they have had no fever for at least 72 hours (three full days without the use of medicine that reduces fever)
  • other symptoms have improved (for example, symptoms of cough or shortness of breath have improved)

What happens if there is a suspected case of COVID in our facility?

Students and/or staff who have been in contact with a suspected case should be dismissed as soon as possible, and should monitor symptoms for 14 days, or until a negative test result is confirmed for the ill person. 

What happens if there is a confirmed case of COVID in our facility?

Students and/or staff who have been in contact with a confirmed case should be dismissed as soon as possible, and should isolate and monitor symptoms for 14 days. 

What happens if there is a case of secondary exposure? (i.e. what if a family member of a student has a positive COVID diagnosis?)

In the case of a secondary exposure, the staff member or student exposed is excluded from attending school, but others who have been in contact with that staff member or student are not required to be excluded. 


Toddlers and PreK Program

Are Toddlers and PreK children expected to wear facemasks?

Children under five years of age don’t have to wear a mask. If it is the decision of the parent for their child to wear a mask we can encourage children to do so. Children under 2 years of eage cannot wear a mask. You can refer here to Cloth Face Coverings, (page 8).

What do you expect class sizes to be at this level?

Childcares have been cleared by DCYF (Department of Children, Youth, and Families – our licensing body) to return to normal licensing ratios. This means that PreK may have up to 20 children with two teachers. Toddler classes may be smaller because of room size. We will comply with all mandates from public health officials in terms of adjusting class sizes if that becomes necessary.

What is the plan for outdoor play? Will children play with outdoor equipment? Are children taking walks or going in the stroller?

Children will use playground equipment which will be cleaned regularly.  Groups always wash hands right after outdoor play time. Children under five years of age are not taking walks or going in the strollers. 

Will children stay with the same teacher throughout the day? 

Children will remain primarily with the same teachers throughout the school day. The exceptions will be when teachers need to take breaks. Classes may also merge depending on staffing during before and after school hours. 

Are we going to have opportunities for families in the same class to get to know each other virtually or a space to communicate with other parents so we can coordinate ways to help each other?

Yes! There are many different ways for the community to come together. One way is having grown up meetings or happy hours for each classroom and the whole community. We also have a room parent in each classroom who can coordinate contacts and meetings. Most of all, we are all a family and can bring ideas to connect and offer or get help. We need each other now more than ever! 


Primary Program

What is the date of the first day back to school?

The first day of school is September 9.

What do you expect class sizes to be at this level?

We anticipate class sizes for kindergarten and beyond to be between 8-12 students. Each group of students will remain constant throughout the year. Each group will stay with their same classroom teacher, and rotate through other teachers for specialist/outdoor time. We will do our best to set up rooms and instruction for social distancing, although we cannot guarantee that children will remain 6 feet apart for the entire time they are in class. Children will not share materials.  

Do you anticipate any language acquisition issues when masks are worn by teachers and other kids since Amistad is a Spanish immersion program?

We will do our best to make sure that students understand and are understood! As language immersion teachers, we are good at using a variety of techniques to make sure that kids understand us (visuals, active learning, role play, etc.)  

Is there an educational plan for families that do not want to send their children to school right away?

There is a virtual learning plan that families may opt into when wanted or needed. We are required by OSPI to have a plan of 100% of virtual instruction since the public health circumstances may require it, or in the case of an illness or outbreak in our community. Virtual teaching will not be able to recreate an in-person school experience but we have also learned a lot about how to do it more effectively. As we train this summer within our project based learning curriculum, we are making parallel plans to move it to an online format if that becomes necessary. 

Are we going to have opportunities for families in the same class to get to know each other virtually or a space to communicate with other parents so we can coordinate ways to help each other?

Yes! There are many different ways for the community to come together. One way is having grown up meetings or happy hours for each classroom and the whole community. We also have a room parent in each classroom who can coordinate contacts and meetings. Most of all, we are all a family and can bring ideas to connect and offer or get help. We need each other now more than ever!    

How is outdoor time planned?

Outdoor play occurs in staggered shifts. If two or more groups are outside at the same time, they should have at least 6 feet of open space between them. Cones, flags, tape, or other signs will be used to create boundaries between groups. Groups always wash hands right after outdoor play time. 

What is the plan for going to the bathroom when children are outdoors?

Like in any other setting of the school day, children will have regular schedules to go to the bathroom. Staff are present to make sure that bathrooms are safe and clean for children. We can accommodate specific needs of children with the staff and volunteers present during outdoor time. Children will always be supervised by an adult when going to the bathroom.  

Would it be ok for elementary kids to do the Friday virtual learning from home?

Yes, families can choose for children to do the online learning at school or at home on Fridays.

It is a possibility to send children for only one part of the day, like sending them for only the inside time or only the outside time?

Yes, families can choose all the day schedule or a portion of it depending on their comfort level and needs. Our current plan is designed to make a full-day experience as safe as possible, but each family can decide for themselves. 

Will new children have the opportunity to meet their teacher and classroom before they start school?

Yes! We are very interested in having first time children comfortable with their teacher and classroom before they start school. We will communicate to families what this plan will be.

Will families need to provide the laptops/tablets for children to use during virtual learning?

Amistad will provide laptops for children to use in virtual learning. Parents may send children with their own laptop to use during virtual learning.

Is it possible to have outdoor school or have a baking or gardening activity at someone’s house? 

Special days outside of the school are not generally part of the Amistad program, but families are welcome to connect with other families to coordinate those activities.

Are face shields considered an acceptable alternative to a face mask?

CDC does not recommend use of face shields for normal everyday activities or as a substitute for cloth face coverings. All children and staff must use a cloth face covering.

How the outdoors portion of the day will be staffed and what will the kids be doing?

Outdoor time will be staffed by our assistant teachers. Kids will be doing activities that lend themselves well to outdoor learning (i.e. they will not be using books, writing, etc.). Activities such as gardening, park maintenance, kickball, yoga are all rich with learning opportunities, and easy for kids to engage in outside. 

How big will outdoor groups of children be?

Groups of children will be up to 12 children. If two or more groups are outside at the same time, they will practice social distancing of  6 feet of open space between them. Cones, flags, tape, or other signs will be used to create boundaries between groups. Children and staff will wash their hands right after outdoor play time. 

How will parent volunteers be integrated into daily activity?

Aside from standard background checks for regular volunteers, they will be screened daily for COVID symptoms upon entry of the school. Regular volunteers will be trained in how to comply with health and safety protocols, as well as working with children (if applicable). 

Will classes be integrated in before and after care?

Classes may be combined during before and after school care depending on staffing. 

Planning for 20-21 School Year

How is Amistad planning for school in the midst of the COVID pandemic? Check out our plan!