Amistad’s Week of Action 2024 is Here!

Join us for the Week of Action!

Seattle Amistad School is organizing a Week of Action in response to the recent national and international events that challenge justice, equality, and peace. Our four pillars during this week are: activism, community, joy and justice. Kids and families will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that represent our pillars.

We believe that we all need to prepare for the following years. We need to learn how to speak out, grow community, defend justice and equality while we find joy and we take care of ourselves.


The calendar will be updated as we add activities, so keep checking back!

Last year’s Week of Action at Amistad reflected light, hope, and joyful resistance in the midst of dark times. We continue to struggle, continue to fight, continue to hope, and as long as all of those things are true, we want to keep our Week of Action as a tradition.

Racism, violence, oppression, and marginalization are not new forces in our society; in fact, our US society was firmly contextualized within these dynamics from its inception.  On the other side, those oppressive dynamics have been answered from the beginning with a strong resistance: organizing, mobilizing, and acting up for justice are also important American social traditions.

As our country seems mired in discord and mistrust, we choose to believe that “justice is love in action” (thanks Cornel West). Amistad seeks to come together with other community organizations in this spirit of love and resistance.  Please join us for our 2023 Week of Action, beginning with a celebration of Dr. King on Monday 1/15/24 and continuing through Friday 1/19/24. For the entire week, we will suspend our regular class schedule, and coordinate workshops, activities, arts presentations, and community events grounded in the principles of love, community, and justice.

What are the beliefs that bring us together?  What are the beliefs that we will be advocating for this week and everyday?

*We believe that all people deserve dignity and respect.

*We believe that everyone deserves to live without fear.

*We believe that all people deserve the opportunity to create a better future for themselves and their family.

*We believe that our leaders have a responsibility to model kind and decent behavior for our children.

*We believe that our own well-being is firmly connected to the well-being of the most vulnerable in our community.

*We believe that all children deserve to be surrounded by a loving, supportive community.

Would you like to join us? Contact us now! Email